Changing Your Reactions
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Changing Your Reactions

When you want to change your habitual reactions, you must first do this one thing. In today’s blog, I explore what that is.

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Changing Your Habitual Reactions
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Changing Your Habitual Reactions

Our reactions when faced with a frustrating situation can become habits. Sometimes we’re happy with those habits. Sometimes, not so much. How do you change them?

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So You’re An Introvert
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

So You’re An Introvert

Are you finding the return to in-person life a challenge but don’t really understand why? Maybe this is your answer.

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Self-Care: Beyond the Massage - Part IV
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Self-Care: Beyond the Massage - Part IV

There are many reasons one might find themselves resisting the call to engage in complete self-care, i.e., self-care the goes, “beyond the massage.” In part IV of this series, I share another reason for resistance.

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Self-Care Goes Beyond the Massage
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Self-Care Goes Beyond the Massage

Self-care is a popular topic and usually suggests things like massage, pedicures and other enjoyable activities. But deeply meaningful and complete self-care goes beyond the massage.

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When Saying ‘No’ Brings Discomfort
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

When Saying ‘No’ Brings Discomfort

You have two or more good and valuable options. But some are the best for you, others are not. Declining any of them means saying ‘no’ to someone - maybe even someone you like.

This is what happened to me. In this post, I share some of my story.

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Leaning on Others for Support
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Leaning on Others for Support

Some days we get to be the one others turn to for support. Other days, we are the one who needs to lean on another. Are you willing to let yourself?

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A Must for Self-Care
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

A Must for Self-Care

Self-care is important and lots has been written about it.

What is one, sometimes challenging, step you must take before you engage in self-care?

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Communication Filters
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Communication Filters

When you seek to engage in clear and complete communication, it’s important to be aware of how you are filtering the messages.

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Complete Communication
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Complete Communication

Whether we're connecting with our own thoughts or communicating with others, there are key components to address. Be sure you don't miss this one.

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When Holidays Serve as Reminders
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

When Holidays Serve as Reminders

Holidays can serve as good reminders of what’s important. Even Valentine’s Day. This “middle-of-winter-bright-spot” has something to teach us.

Stop and listen to it’s message.

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When Life Happens
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

When Life Happens

You established goals and set some plans for yourself. You're more than ready to move forward with them. Then there's an interruption.

How do you manage the interruption?

In this post, I share some of my own story and what I did to handle the interruptions without losing my way.

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Precedents in Relationships
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Precedents in Relationships

Precedent is a term typically reserved for legal matters. But we all set precedents in our relationships. In this post, I share one from my own life and what it taught me. Does this story resonate with you?

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