When Life Happens

Admittedly, this wasn’t my favorite January ever. But let’s back up.

In December, I set aside two full days for establishing my 2022 business plans as well as my personal goals. Annual goals, quarterly goals, and monthly goals. You get the picture.

I’ve never done these things so completely in the past. I’ve dabbled. I’ve had some successes with it. And, I’ve had many not so successful attempts. So, I was excited – and feeling quite accomplished – around my preparations for the new year.

Soaring into 2022, I was more than ready to implement those plans.

All of which came to a screeching halt when I got sick. Then they got delayed when I realized I was sicker than I originally thought. Layer on the merciless fatigue and the length of time it took to recover.

None of which I had considered on those wonderful December planning days.

How would I handle this unexpected and unwelcome change in plans?

I could lament what I lost in time, energy and opportunities. I could whine and complain about progress I would now have to re-establish. I could feel sorry for myself. I could let the set-back stall me completely.

And with full vulnerability I admit there was a time in my life I would have.

Or I could find something good and valuable in my experience.

This year, I won’t be thanking January for catapulting me out of the new year gate.

But I will thank it for cementing these lessons:

  • Be present in the moment regardless of what that moment is.

  • Stay engaged in self-care.

  • Seek (and willingly receive) the support of others when you need it.

  • Trust yourself. You know what you need. Stop doubting it.

  • Make plans but stay flexible. Life happens.

Yes, being sick was crappy.

But the value it brought proved way more important.

Welcome February.


When Holidays Serve as Reminders


Precedents in Relationships