Discover the Root Cause of Your Stress for Lasting Relief
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Discover the Root Cause of Your Stress for Lasting Relief

Today’s message highlights reducing stress through effective communication. 🗣️💬

This is the perfect primer for our upcoming video series, Finding Your Voice: Reducing Stress Through Effective Courageous Communication, launching Monday on our FB and LI pages (Lisa Purk Life Coaching).

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Marriage Communication:  Seamlessly Navigating Everyday Life
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Marriage Communication: Seamlessly Navigating Everyday Life

Discover the power of effective communication in marriage, even amidst everyday tasks like grocery shopping, with our latest blog post! Learn how even simple conversations can create conflict - or can strengthen your relationship — depending on the communication choices you make. Why make everyday simple chore a source of conflict? Make them a source of joy and connection instead.

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Crispy Conversations: How Frozen Waffles Taught Us to Communicate Better
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Crispy Conversations: How Frozen Waffles Taught Us to Communicate Better

Explore the surprising insights highlighted about effective communication in our latest blog, "Crispy Conversations." Discover how frozen waffles served as a reminder of the importance of self-awareness and willingness in our conversations, guiding all of us to a deeper understanding of interpersonal communication.

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Frozen Waffles and Communication
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Frozen Waffles and Communication

My husband and I had a conversation that included the topic of frozen waffles as a dinner choice. It illustrated an important point about communication.

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You Can Still Eat the Cookie
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

You Can Still Eat the Cookie

I make certain cookies only at Christmas. Other ones, I’ve stopped following that rule. Here’s when rules, boundaries, and routines matter. And, when they don’t.

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He Wasn’t Engaging With Me
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

He Wasn’t Engaging With Me

When I get excited to share something, I usually do it immediately. But, that’s not always the best way. Here’s what I’ve learned.

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When You’re On The Wrong Train
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

When You’re On The Wrong Train

Sometimes in life, you find yourself on the “wrong train.” What do you do to get off that train and back on the track you desire for your life?

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A High School Story
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

A High School Story

It was high school and one of those times in life that we learn. Usually by doing things we regret. This story is one of, yes, a regret. But also, the lesson I learned.

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It’s Still About Pie
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

It’s Still About Pie

Baking a pie crust successfully is a skill that has eluded me. But, the absence of that skill taught me something valuable. Here’s what it was.

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