Frozen Plans and Cloudy Mornings

In last week’s message, I shared my thoughts around the benefits of balancing planning vs. spontaneity. Both planning and spontaneity have the potential to reduce stress. They both have value while too much of either can be detrimental to living to our fullest potential.

Without planning, our lives can be much like water, having no stable shape of their own. As water adapts to its container, we may find ourselves adapting our lives to the environment around us leaving us void of purpose or meaning. Conversely, when water is frozen, it takes on a shape, much like planning does for our lives. Planning and vision give us stability and direction.

But, like ice, plans can melt, fall apart, or, even through no fault of our own, simply not happen the way we had planned.

When my husband and I went to Hilton Head Island for Christmas a few years ago, the early morning skies were clear. The cloudless skies created a horizon of fuchsias, oranges and golds before the sun peeked above the line where ocean and sky meet. The beauty was awe inspiring and allowed for many creative moments as I sat enjoying the experience. As we planned for our Christmas holiday this year, I was frequently heard to say, “I can’t wait to sit and watch the pre-sunrise colors this year.”

There was only one problem with my plan. We had only one clear morning this year. The others were filled with clouds inhibiting the view of the vibrant colors.

When life doesn’t go as planned, we can complain, lament, and otherwise allow disappointment to elevate our stress and defeat our joy. Or we can make a different choice.

We can find the things for which we are grateful. We can find experiences that still offer joy, even if not the joy we had planned. We can focus on experiences like connection with the ones we love.

We still had an oceanfront balcony that was covered, kept me dry even on rainy mornings and gave us space to still enjoy meals outside. I could still hear the sound of the ocean, perfect for meditation. We had many days that although cloudy, were still dry with comfortable temperatures allowing for walks on the beach or exploring the paths of a nearby forest preserve. We were still away from home enjoying a quiet week together and catching up on some much-needed rest.

Like water in its frozen state, we are our most stable when we have a plan. But when the “ice melts” and we’re faced with unexpected and disappointing circumstances, we can choose to adapt.

Embracing adaptability, we discover unexpected joys and opportunities that might never have been part of the original plan. Life’s beauty often lies in how we flow with change.

Like the quiet peace of a cloudy morning.


When the Best Plan Starts With No Plan


Planning for Success, Pausing for Joy