
Don’t be shy - let’s chat!

Is Lisa the right coach for you? Let’s find out! The first conversation is key. Use the form to schedule your FREE CONSULTATION today… or ask any question you may have.

During your FREE 60-minute consultation, we will discuss:

  • Your goals: How would you like your life and relationships to be different?

  • Your obstacles: What is preventing you from having the meaningful connections you desire?

  • Coaching packages: Should we decide we are a good fit for one another, we will decide which coaching package best fits your needs.

Lisa Looks forward to hearing from you!

Office Hours: 

Monday 12 PM - 6:00 PM

Tuesday 9 AM - 6:00 PM

Wednesday 9 AM  - 6:00 PM

Thursday 9 AM - 6:00 PM

Friday 9 AM – 1:00 PM

Saturday:  Closed

Sunday:  Closed

Location:  Pittsburgh, PA  (EST)