Coaching Programs

At Lisa Purk Life Coaching, we specialize in guiding you through powerful mindset shifts, helping you overcome the inner critic, and reducing stress by developing your courage to connect with others from a place of authenticity.  Together, we will uncover your potential, transform self-defeating talk into empowering beliefs, and develop effective communication strategies to enhance your well-being and success. Let’s embark on a journey towards a more confident, balanced, and fulfilled life.

All coaching packages include:

  • Subscription to Lisa’s weekly newsletter, Inner Chatter Matters, offering tips and inspiration for reducing stress, changing habits, and improving communication.

  • Membership to Lisa’s private Facebook group, Purk Up Your Life.

  • Personalized goal setting and action plans.

  • Individualized, confidential coaching conversations.

  • Strategies and suggestions personalized to your life.

  • A holistic approach to wellness addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of client’s lives.  Clients may receive suggestions on faith, nutrition, exercise, stress management, mindfulness practices, and other wellness strategies to support their overall well-being and relationship success.

  • Ongoing support and accountability including check-ins, personalized homework assignments, and access to additional resources and support between sessions to ensure progress and momentum are maintained.

  • Complimentary attendance to Lisa’s exclusive events.

Package 1: Awaken Your True Self

Are you tired of living a mediocre life and maintaining status-quo relationships? Do you know in your heart there is something more for you? Do you want to let go of the stress of continual misunderstandings or feeling intimidated by others? Do you continually suppress your own thoughts including your wants and needs? Are you ready to live the life you desire, not the one that blares, “Is this as good as it gets?”

This package is a 12-month journey of self-discovery. You will take a deep dive into your own self-talk and learn how to overcome your fears and self-doubts. With clarity and strong confidence as your foundation, you will gain the power to create the life and relationships you desire.

During your coaching journey, you will learn how to:

  • Establish clarity around your vision for your life and relationships

  • Build the courage to stop suppressing your wants and needs

  • Express yourself honestly and authentically

  • Overcome your defeating inner critic (e.g., fear, self-doubt, and guilt)

  • Enhance your confidence in making decisions

  • Plan a manageable calendar that includes activities and people that matter most

  • Establish and maintain healthy boundaries

  • And more!

This package includes:

  • (24) 60-minute personalized meetings with Lisa

  • Meetings 2x/month for 12 months

  • Complete Everything DiSC profile with a 20-page report to help understand your strengths and priorities

  • Everything DiSC profiles for up to 2 additional people to help collaborate with the most important people in your life

  • Unlimited comparison reports between you and the other individuals: Comparison reports highlight the similarities and differences between you and others and offer best practice strategies for building stronger relationships

  • Complete Core Communication curriculum for self-awareness plus talking/listening skills

  • Copy of Lisa’s book, Inner Chatter Matters: 52 Essays to Transform Your Self-talk

Prices starting at:  $400/month

Package 2: Self-Talk: Inner Chatter Matters

Are you your own worst enemy? Do you question yourself and struggle to make decisions? Are fear, doubt, and guilt your constant companions? Do you feel "stuck" wondering what to do next?

This package specifically focuses on your mindset and how to overcome your defeating self-talk. You’ll learn strategies for gaining clarity around issues and decisions and how to apply your new mindset in everyday life.

During your coaching journey, you’ll learn how to:

  • Identify the thoughts that are holding you back

  • Discover the underlying cause of your thought habits

  • Cultivate new beliefs that will catapult you forward

  • Apply your new thought habits in future life situations

    This package includes:

  • (12) 60-minute coaching calls

  • Meetings 2x/month for 6 months

Prices starting at: $400/month

Package 3: Talk With Me, Not At Me

Do you wish your connections with others were less stressful and more meaningful? Would you like to learn how to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings so there’s more time for fun, love, or accomplishing goals? Does moving through conflicts to satisfying resolutions rather than having strained or lost relationships sound appealing to you?

This package focuses specifically on the Core Communication curriculum. (*) In this comprehensive course, you will learn how to use self-awareness as the basis of your communication with others. You will also learn six crucial talking skills and five listening skills that will help you communicate more effectively, resolve conflicts, make more confident and informed decisions, solve problems, and negotiate more effectively.

The techniques you will learn will help you to expand your self-awareness, enhance your personal power and influence, and become more engaged in life!

(*) Also available in the Collaborative Marriage Skills format.

This package includes:

  • Core Communication curriculum (or Collaborative Marriage Skills)

  • (8) 60-75 minute coaching calls

  • Meetings 2x/month for 4 months

  • Utilization of real-life scenarios during coaching

Prices starting at:  $400/month

Workplace Workshop Program:

Workplace Harmony: Cultivating Communication & Collaboration

Designed to provide organizations with a structured and impactful learning experience that addresses specific challenges, enhances employee skills and capabilities, and contributes to a positive and productive workplace environment and culture.

Pre-Workshop Consultation

The workshop facilitator meets with key stakeholders or HR representatives to understand the organization's goals, challenges, and desired outcomes for the workshop.  This consultation will include discussion to identify specific areas of focus so the workshop content can be tailored accordingly. 

Customized Workshop Content

The facilitator designs a workshop agenda tailored to the organization's needs and objectives. This may include a combination of interactive presentations, group discussions, experiential exercises, and hands-on activities.

Topics may include:

  • Effective communication skills

  • Conflict resolution and management

  • Team building and collaboration

  • Leadership development

  • Stress management and resilience

  • Time management and productivity

  • Creativity and innovation

Delivery Formats:

  • The workshop can be delivered in various formats to accommodate the organization's preferences and logistical constraints. This may include:

  • Half-day or full-day workshops

  • On-site or virtual workshops

  • Series of workshops spread over multiple sessions

Engagement and Participation:

The facilitator employs interactive and engaging techniques to encourage participation and active learning among workshop participants. This may include group discussions, breakout sessions, role-playing exercises, case studies, and simulations.

Hands-on activities and real-life scenarios are incorporated to make the content relevant and applicable to participants' daily work experiences.

Expert Facilitation:

The workshop is led by experienced facilitators with expertise in professional  development, leadership, communication, and related areas.

Facilitators create a supportive and inclusive learning environment where participants feel comfortable sharing ideas, asking questions, and experimenting with new skills and behaviors.

Post-Workshop Follow-Up:

The facilitator provides post-workshop support and resources to reinforce learning and encourage ongoing implementation of new skills and strategies.

This may include follow-up coaching sessions, access to online resources or materials, and opportunities for participants to continue the conversation and share insights with their colleagues.

Evaluation and Feedback:

The workshop includes mechanisms for evaluating participant satisfaction and workshop effectiveness. Feedback surveys, focus group discussions, and individual interviews may be used to gather insights and identify areas for improvement.

This package is ideal for:

  • Workplace Teams

  • Leadership Cohorts

Prices starting at:  $1600 (plus materials)

Everything DiSC Discovery Package:

DiSCover Your Potential: A Journey of Self-Awareness and Growth

Take the first step towards unlocking the potential within your team with our Everything DiSC Discovery Package. Contact us today to learn more and schedule your workshop!

Everything DiSC Workplace Assessment:

Each participant will complete the Everything DiSC Workplace assessment, a research-validated personality assessment that provides valuable insights into individual behavioral styles and preferences. Participants will receive a comprehensive report detailing their DiSC style, communication tendencies, and strategies for effective collaboration.

Customized Workshop:

A half-day workshop facilitated by our experienced DiSC coach. The workshop will explore the results of the Everything DiSC assessment, helping participants gain a deeper understanding of their own behavioral tendencies and those of their colleagues.

Interactive activities and discussions will focus on leveraging individual strengths, improving communication, and building stronger, more cohesive teams.

Team Building Exercises:

Engaging team-building exercises tailored to the unique dynamics and goals of your team or organization. These activities will provide opportunities for participants to apply their DiSC insights in real-world scenarios, strengthening relationships and fostering a culture of collaboration.

Post-Workshop Follow-Up:

One-on-one coaching sessions for participants seeking personalized guidance and support in applying their DiSC insights to their specific roles and responsibilities.

Access to additional resources and tools for ongoing learning and development, including recommended reading materials, online courses, and follow-up activities.


  • Improved Communication: Gain a deeper understanding of individual communication styles and preferences, leading to more effective interactions and reduced misunderstandings.

  • Enhanced Team Dynamics: Build stronger, more cohesive teams by leveraging the diverse strengths and perspectives of team members.

  • Increased Productivity: Foster a culture of collaboration and trust, leading to improved productivity, innovation, and overall workplace satisfaction. 

This package is ideal for:

  • Workplace Staff or Teams

  • Sales Teams

  • Leadership Cohorts

Prices starting at: 

$1600 (plus materials)

An Everything DiSC package is also available for individuals and couples.

Prices starting at: 

Individual: $700 (includes materials)

Couples: $800 (includes materials)

Schedule your free consultation and we’ll narrow down a point of focus specific to your needs.

Lisa understands that making a commitment before learning more might be intimidating. That’s why she’s offering a FREE consultation, so you can get a more in-depth look at how her life coaching program will benefit you. Lisa’s calendar is filling up, however, so sign up today to ensure you do not miss out on this generous offer. 

If you’re feeling frustrated and stuck because the life and connections you desire seem out of reach, now is the time to change your direction. And it can all start today.

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