Leaning on Others for Support

As I left a networking meeting one morning, I stopped to talk with someone I know.

As the conversation continued, I vulnerably shared a few insecurities that I’m noticing in my thoughts. She replied with tremendous words encouragement. I leaned heavily into those words and willingly embraced them.

The next morning I heard the song, “Lean on Me.”

“Lean on me, when you’re not strong, I’ll help you carry on….”

It’s everyday experiences such as these that are the foundation of many of my Friday messages. I wait for an intuitive nudge from God that says, “This one.”

And so, today, this one:

I encourage you to give yourself permission to lean on others when you need their support; to be willing to openly, honestly, and authentically share with others what is going on in your heart and mind.

Remind yourself that it's OK to be vulnerable and to rely on someone to provide emotional support on "down" days and through challenging circumstances. It doesn’t mean you're weak, too dependent or "needy."

It simply means that something in life is happening, and you would benefit from the love, support, or possibly perspective and guidance that someone can offer.

If today is your day to support another, then be the support.

But if today is your day to lean, then lean.

As heavily as you need.

Lean on me

When you're not strong

And I'll be your friend

I'll help you carry on

For it won't be long

'Til I'm gonna need

Somebody to lean on

~ Bill Withers


When Saying ‘No’ Brings Discomfort


A Must for Self-Care