Changing Your Reactions

The past couple of weeks, I’ve been talking about the energy we pour into our environments by the reactions we choose.  But it’s not just our environments that are impacted.

When our reactions are filled with negativity and stress, it interferes with things like:

·       How much we get done

·       The time it takes us to complete tasks

·       Our enjoyment of the people and activities we love

·       Following our dreams for what we want in life

It interferes with our happiness.

When your habitual reactions are having a negative impact in these important areas of your life, then it’s time to make some changes.

If this is resonating with you, then choose to become an observer.

In order to make changes, you must first observe what you’re currently doing and why you’re doing it.

And be willing to look below the surface.

What do I mean?


You want to notice any fear, worry, or other unspoken thoughts that are lingering in the background.

Consider my client who doesn’t express what she wants or needs with important people at home and work.  She frequently accommodates to the needs of others.


It’s her unspoken thoughts and continually ignoring her own needs that simmer beneath the surface and boil over when she is frustrated with something.


The next time you’re frustrated, and your reaction is one of stress rather than peace, ask yourself, “What underlying thoughts or emotions are driving my reaction?”


When you can identify this, you can manage the root cause of your reaction.


It’s only when you manage the root cause that you’ll make true and lasting change.


Your happiness depends on it.


When You’re a Caregiver….


Changing Your Habitual Reactions