Self-Care Goes Beyond the Massage

My husband gifted me massage therapy sessions for Valentine’s Day.

My former massage therapist had retired, and it had been a while since I had enjoyed this luxury in my life. His gift pushed me to find someone new and the time I spent was both therapeutic and relaxing.

But, is this complete self-care? Or, does self-care go beyond the massage?

I could ask the same question for pedicures/manicures, shopping, vacations, or favorite hobbies.

Don’t get me wrong. These are all really good.

But is this where self-care stops?

If you want to reduce your stress, you must dig deeper into what self-care means for your life.

Is it valuable and complete self-care when you:

  • Allow your thoughts to be filled with fear, guilt & self-doubt?

  • Ignore or rationalize your awareness around an issue?

  • Fail to exercise your gifts and talents?

  • Resist asking for and receiving help?

  • Deflect praise, appreciation, and recognition?

The obvious answer is, no.

When these habits and patterns are a part of your daily life, your concentration, focus and productivity all decrease. You don’t reach your goals and dreams. You lack satisfaction and fulfillment.

What happens then?

Your stress increases.

As your stress rises, the other areas continue to decrease. As they decrease, your stress rises further. The only way out of this frustrating and endless loop is to manage the deeper, below the surface reasons for your stress.

When I feel stressed, I pause and ask myself, “What’s happening?” I sit with it. I notice physical sensations that alert me, “Something is amiss.” I notice my thoughts and the related emotions. Only then do I seek a solution.

Oh, I will continue to get those massages. And I will hike and bike and spend time with friends.

But I’ll enjoy them more because they’re not just a temporary escape from what needs my attention.

Instead, they’re icing on the cake.


Self-Care: Beyond the Massage - Part II


A Two-Minute Cold Shower Daily. Here’s Why.