So You’re An Introvert

I’ve had conversations with several people recently who share around a similar experience. The stories come from women and men alike; people ranging in age from their 20s to their 70s; and people from differing walks of life.

What’s their similarity?

“I’m having difficulty adjusting to life back in-person again” and “I didn’t realize how much I got used to not being around people.”

These conversations aren’t around fear of illness. They’re not focused on, “Oh, you mean I have to get dressed up again” or “I don’t feel like facing traffic or driving long distances again.”


The conversations are around, “I have to interact and be social again.”

“It’s like I forget how to talk to people and have to learn all over again” one person told me. “I enjoy being at home alone” another one said.

The thing is, I get it. I’m there, too. Adjusting and relearning.

And this is, in part, what led to last week’s message around being an introvert. And why I’ve been sharing around that same topic in “Your Morning Purk” videos. (Available to view on LinkedIn and Purk Up Your Life.)

Are you finding it difficult to adjust to being in-person again?

You’re not alone.

There are many ways to make the adjustment. There is one critical foundation:

Stop talking about yourself with phrases around:

  • Being shy and introverted

  • Not knowing how to talk to people

  • Preferring to hide in a corner at social events

Yes, it is important to be aware of your introvert tendencies. That awareness can help guide you in scheduling and giving yourself adequate rest and mental breaks so you can perform at peak levels. It is helpful for knowing how to plan when activities will require you to be more out-going.

But I encourage you to resist pouring your energy into defeating thoughts and words. Remember, where you focus goes your energy flows. And as long as you’re focused on, “I can’t….” and “I’m not good at….” you’ll be fearful, disappointed, and exhausted.

We are created for human connection. Life and business require interaction with others.

You will do so more effectively when you pour your energy into positive solutions rather than all of the reasons you think you can’t.

Because you can.

As can I.


But It Used To Work So Well


So You’re An Introvert