What You Contribute To Your Environment

There are some things that frustrate me in daily life. My phone is an example.

Being a small computer that I think knows more about my life than I do, it frequently prompts me to turn on location. Some of these prompts I understand, like when I want to use it as my GPS. I get it. My phone needs to know where I am to guide me in getting where I want to go. Simple.

Other times, it just isn’t necessary. For me at least.

Like the other night, when I was checking weather and was prompted to turn on cookies in my browser so “it” could know my location. “Right there,” I said. “Beaver Falls; if I want a different city, I’ll be sure to put in a new one; when I’m interested in changing it, I’ll be sure to let you know” I continued telling (yelling at?) my phone.

I waited for my husband to contribute to this out lashing. But he didn’t. In his silent response, I was convicted. He didn’t tell me I was wrong; he didn’t criticize me. He just simply and quietly didn’t engage. That was a good thing. It caused me to think about my words and more importantly, my tone and what spirit I was creating in our space.

I didn’t like what I heard. Frustration. Complaining. Bitter tone. I didn’t like hearing myself and figured it hadn’t sounded pleasant to my husband either. I was thankful he quietly continued what he was doing.

I’m sorry” I sincerely apologized. “I know that sounded crabby and not much fun to be around.

He stayed quiet for another moment.

And then he said, “Those things bother me too; I just focus on not letting them get to me.

I was reminded of something I read not long ago that offered, “You don’t have to react to everything that bothers you. You get to choose.

I. Get. To. Choose.

My first choice is in using a smart phone. It would be difficult to navigate our current world without one, but it is still my decision.

My second choice is in leaving my location off which causes my phone to prompt me in the first place.

And third, and maybe the most important one, is I get to choose my reaction. This is the one that directs the energy I surround myself with; it creates what I contribute to my environment.

Yes, our phones want to know our location.

But only I, and you, have complete choosing for what energy we pour into that location.

If I want to be in places that are loving, peaceful and renewing, then I must contribute that energy.

It starts with me.

And the reaction I choose.


Changing Your Habitual Reactions


But It Used To Work So Well