But They Got To ….
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

But They Got To ….

There are times we see others doing something we want for our own lives. Sometimes others see those things in us. Today I share a story about finding joy in your journey even when there is a twinge of envy for someone else’s story.

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What Happens Along the Way
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

What Happens Along the Way

You’re waiting for the big event, the big success, getting to your goal. Are you missing what’s happening along the way?

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When Individual Styles Create Conflict
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

When Individual Styles Create Conflict

You have a style that is most natural and works best for you. Your partner does as well. But sometimes (oftentimes) these are different. Those difference can result in conflict unless you know how to blend those styles.

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But We Did Set Our Expectations
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

But We Did Set Our Expectations

Sometimes we set our expectations and boundaries early in a relationship whether at home, work, or in the community. But life changes. And we must also. Here are three tips to help

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Setting Precedents in Relationships
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Setting Precedents in Relationships

We all set precedents in relationships. But we’re not always happy with those later. Here’s one step toward eliminating the frustration and disappointment.

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Words for the New Year
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Words for the New Year

There are popular - and unpopular - words that people use at the beginning of a new year. Here are some thoughts about why it’s not the word choice that matters. And three things that do.

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Building Momentum for 2023: Part 2
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Building Momentum for 2023: Part 2

Wrapping up one year and heading into the new, typically brings much reflection on the year past and the new one ahead.

What do you do with this time of reflection to make it fruitful for your life?

Here's one step you can take.

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Building Momentum for 2023
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Building Momentum for 2023

Originally posted in 2021, wrapping up one year and looking toward another provides great opportunities. Here is one way to capture those opportunities.

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Are You Missing the Message?
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Are You Missing the Message?

When you receive a text, email, or other written communication, you are overlaying the intonation using our own thoughts. Is this causing unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts? Is it costing you connection with someone important to you?

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Answering the Question, Who Am I?
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Answering the Question, Who Am I?

There are ways to answer the question, “Who am I” that will propel you forward. But others will hold you back.

In today’s blog, I share one way to distinguish the two.

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3 Tips for Healthy Conversations
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

3 Tips for Healthy Conversations

When there is a difference of opinion, it can lead to division in a relationship. It can also provide an opportunity to cultivate closeness, connection, and deep meaningful conversation. Here’s three tips for healthy conversations.

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Aging with Grace and Confidence
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

Aging with Grace and Confidence

Regardless of the decade of life you’re in, there are seasons of life behind you. There are also the season present and the seasons ahead. Here are 3 tips for making the transitions with grace and confidence.

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From Thought to Action
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

From Thought to Action

"But I don't feel like doing it?"

How often do you say this?

In this blog post, I share an important tip for moving beyond the defeat of "I don't feel like it."

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When You Want to Make Progress
Lisa Purk Lisa Purk

When You Want to Make Progress

When you want to move forward, gain momentum, make progress, you must do this one thing.

It's non-negotiable.

It's can also be difficult and challenging.

You must do it anyway.

What is it?

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