But They Got To ….

Christmas 2022. Our second day.

The day before we left for our Christmas vacation at the beach, I had a one-to-one business meeting with someone. The conversation naturally turned to, “What are you doing for the holidays?”

He shared about a gathering of family members including adult children and his grandchildren. I felt a twinge of envy at this gathering of family to celebrate the holidays together.

I shared about our trip to the beach and a quiet week. He shared a bit of envy for the quiet and solitude we would experience.

We both knew there was joy in what we would each do for our Christmas week. We also recognized the happiness the other would have as well.

On my second day of early morning balcony time, it was still cold; I was still wrapped up like a mummy; and the sunrise was still just a beautiful as the day before. But today my thoughts went in a different direction.

Today I reflected on the ways we find joy whether at Christmas or any other time of the year.

And I knew the answer. The first step is in making a choice that no matter what your circumstance, you will find the good in it.

This year, our Christmas was an off season trip to the beach. With some slight variations necessary in an unfamiliar kitchen, we made our traditional Christmas breakfast. Not wanting to venture out mid-day, (plus a surprise discovery of a brand new slow cooker in the condo), we made a roast. We read, played games, and walked the beach - twice. All to say, Christmas was different for us this year and we found the ways to experience the joy of what was ours.

Just as I’m sure my friend and his family enjoyed their gathering even if it was a bit louder and busier.

Whatever day of the year it is, there will be others enjoying it in a way that may cause a twinge of envy for you. And that’s OK. But don’t stop there. Ask yourself, “If that is not my experience, what good can I find in what I am doing?”

Always enjoy having those conversations with others. Listen as they share their stories of joy filled experiences. And when it’s different than yours, set out on a journey of new adventures.

Even when there’s a twinge of envy.


The Third Day Was Cloudy


What Happens Along the Way