The Third Day Was Cloudy

In my continuing series from our off-season beach vacation ….

It was my third morning of enjoying pre-sunrise on the balcony. It was a bit cloudier on this morning with just a few shades of pink glowing to the north. But overall, it wasn’t nearly as majestic as the two days prior had been.

Where did my thoughts turn as I sat with coffee in hand and reflecting on life?

I thought about how each day is different. If I wish for ‘yesterday,’ I miss the beauty that is today. I miss the opportunity to experience today’s joy, or even choose to create goodness in what today has to offer. If I lament, “I wish it was still like ‘yesterday,’” what chance do I have of uncovering all the goodness of today?

On this third morning, I could hear the surf and rolling of the waves. Cloudy yes, but the wind was calm and still. Without the interference from the noise of the wind, I could hear the soothing sounds of the ocean.

As I listened, I realized too that as much as I love to write in the mornings, when I’m writing, I’m looking at my journal and therefore, not at the ocean, the sky, and the horizon. When I’m focused on one thing, there’s something else I’m missing.

As I link these two thoughts together, I offer the question, “Are you focused on something from ‘yesterday’ that is preventing you from seeing the good there is in today?”

Each day has something for which to be grateful, even joy filled. It’s there for you to find when you look with a fresh perspective.

Even when the clouds are hiding the sun.


The Most Difficult Step


But They Got To ….