From Thought to Action

I like coffee.

I especially like it when it’s more accurately termed latte - you know, coffee blended with other creamy and flavorful stuff. I also really like caffeine.

My love of coffee is no big revelation. It is also obviously not a huge piece of inspiration for you. What do you care if I like coffee?

But, stick with me here after you’re done thinking, “Yea, so what? You like coffee.”

I have three coffee rules:

Rule #1: It’s never my first drink of the day. Water is.

Rule #2: I drink a bottle of water after my first cup.

Rule #3: My maximum in one day is two cups.

I am really good at following these rules. Truly.

But, is that always easy? No.

Often when I have piqued my senses with the smell, the flavor, the caffeine effect, and the feel of the cup in my hands, switching to water is simply not always easy. My mind argues with me and tries to deter me from my rules.

Until I have the first taste of water. And then my body says, “Wow that was good; please give me more of that.” And I find myself easily chugging the whole bottle.

The point is, I don’t start the water drinking by thinking about it. I get to drinking water by drinking water.

You can often get yourself to do what is in your best interest simply by getting started. Take the first step. Build the momentum. In other words, act your way into feeling like it.

When you have a task you want to complete, don’t try to get there by thinking about it. Don’t wait until you “feel like it.” You could wait a long time.

Instead, identify the task. Commit to doing it no matter what. Get serious by making it a “rule” or a “must.” Take the first step. The second one is so much easier.

Even when coffee, I mean latte, is calling your name.


Aging with Grace and Confidence


When You Want to Make Progress