Aging with Grace and Confidence

In 2020, during the early days of the pandemic, hair salons were closed. During this time, I made the decision to stop coloring my hair and embrace my natural hair color. In other words, I went gray. Or “white” as I prefer to call it.

I like the color of my hair and still receive compliments to this day.

Do you hear a “but…” coming?

But there was an emotional transition. Embracing the natural color was one thing. The meaning it represented was another thing entirely.

A head full of white hair (even though I would have been that way long ago; “early gray” I believe they call it) represents age. Each time I look in the mirror, I am reminded I’m not in my 20’s, 30’s, or even 40’s. That’s right, not even my 50’s.

I am also reminded of the seasons of life that are behind me now. Yes, those seasons are behind me regardless of my hair color. It was just easier to ignore when the mirror reflected brown hair.

No matter what decade of life you’re living, there are seasons of life that have passed. There is nothing you can do to change the passing of time.

The thing you can choose is how you respond to that reality. Here are three suggestions for travelling your journey with grace.

1) Manage your self-talk: As much as they are ever present around us all, resist using common phrases such as, “This is as good as it gets,” “It just goes down hill after 50,” or “You can’t do THAT at your age.” The more you elevate your thoughts and words, the greater your satisfaction and enjoyment of life.

2) Know what you want: It is common for people to talk about all the things they don’t want for their life. Focus instead on knowing what you do want. No one can create a plan of action around “don’t want.” It can only be built around knowing what you want. Then you can go after it.

3) Look beyond challenges and limitations: Make a choice to stay focused on what you can do. My jogging days are far behind me as are the high, fast, and bumpy roller coasters I once enjoyed. I will never skydive or go spelunking again. But I can still publish books, learn to golf, and take the ballroom dance lessons I have long desired. Enjoy the memory of things gone by and shift your focus to what is still to come.

The mirror might tell me my hair is white and there are a few more wrinkles around my eyes. But it also tells me I am still alive with much life left in me.

It is through that lens I will view my life.

How about you?


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