Building Momentum for 2023: Part 2

Did you ever notice how much a child can grow in just one year that you didn’t notice on any single day?

A year can change much for a growing child. It can change much for you, too.

But let’s back up to last week’s message.

In it, I encouraged you to do an inventory of 2022 by asking yourself, “What didn’t go as I had hoped” AND “What did?” I suggested to use this inventory as you plan for 2023. Consider your unmet goals and ask yourself, “Why didn’t I get this accomplished” and use this information to identify what you still need to change. But also, be willing to garner a sense of accomplishment by looking at what you are proud of doing this past year.

There is another important way to view 2022 and that is asking yourself, “What did I learn?”

In my FB group, Purk Up Your Life, this week, I offered some thoughts around these words from Ralph Waldo Emerson:

"The years teach much which the days never knew.”

Looking back on 2022, what is something you know or understand now that you didn’t in January? Is there something that you’re saying, “Oh I get it now”?

We only get to live life one day at a time. In those singular days, it can seem like there’s no growth; no change; no difference. But a year later, just like a young child’s height marked with pencil on the kitchen doorframe, we can look back and say, “Wow, look how much I’ve grown!”

It just won’t be in physical inches.

What did you learn this year?


Words for the New Year


Building Momentum for 2023