Getting Beyond the Intersection

The lower Baughman Trail to Baughman Rock, Ohiopyle, PA.

It had been many years since I hiked that trail. But I remembered two things about it:

1) It had a lot of uphill climb.

2) There was a stunning, breathtaking view at the top.

My husband and I had talked many times about hiking it but so far, had always chosen a different path or a bike ride instead. A late autumn day with lingering color, warm temperatures, and searing blue skies seemed the perfect opportunity.

The thing I didn’t remember was just how far that overlook was from the bottom or how long it would take to get there. I also didn’t remember we would intersect with another trail before reaching our destination.

When we met two other hikers at the intersect, we asked, ‘Did you see an overlook?” They hadn’t and after chatting for just a minute or two, they continued their hike.

This left us wondering, “Was the overlook removed?” (“Not likely” we said. “But where is it?”)

As we considered turning around, I saw trail signs posted just a few feet beyond the intersect. We were indeed heading in the right direction. Tired but determined, we kept going.

And found Baughman Rock and it’s view on a perfect fall day - an intersection of my favorite season and way to spend a day.

As we journeyed from the trail intersect to the overlook, I was reminded of how often one might quit before reaching what they desire. Could you reach the destination you desire with just a few more steps?

Have you quit before you reached:

✔️ Business success

✔️ Completion of your book

✔️ Eating healthy

✔️ Exercising consistently

✔️ Getting up earlier in the morning

✔️ Starting to journal regularly

✔️ Cultivating your faith through prayer and Bible reading

✔️ Learning to play an instrument

✔️ Mastering any skill (e.g., cooking; woodworking; gardening; etc)

If you’re not “there” yet, consider that you may only be at an intersection with your destination only a few steps away.

Just hike a little further.

Your view will be worth the journey of getting there.


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Releasing a Thought and It’s Emotion