The Logical Side of Graitude.

My husband and I have much in life for which to be grateful. We have a beautiful home with a quiet and relaxing backyard space. We had plenty of space to care for elderly parents as they aged and were unable to live independently. We both drive reliable (and well, nice) vehicles. I own my own business which allowed me the opportunity to be available for our aging parents. It also offers me the opportunity to influence lives in very satisfying and fulfilling ways. Again, we have much for which to be thankful. And we are.

Does that mean there is nothing else in life that we would like to have? Truthfully that answer is no. Like everyone, we have dreams for things we want for our lives. Does that mean we aren’t grateful for what we have? That answer is also no. We are grateful. And we look forward to creating more for our lives. Those two co-exist for us.

It can cause an inner tug-o-war when you are grateful for what you have and yet are aware there is more you would like to bring into your life. When you are reflecting on reasons for gratitude, you might hear an anxious thought that sounds something like, “Well, if you’re thankful for what you already have, then you’re not going to receive any more .... You already have what you want.”

Conversely, when you place some focus on your vision and dreams, you may hear a different anxious thought that says, “Well, aren’t you thankful for what you already have?” Or “If you’re truly thankful, why are you asking for more?”

These types of thoughts put you in a self-sabotaging catch-22. Whichever way you turn, you’re defeated.

Your way out of this defeating cycle is to understand not only the spirituality but also the logic of gratitude.

When you are thankful for what you have, you’re at peace. You feel grounded and you have energy for today’s tasks. Further, it is what you do productively and efficiently today that creates the results you see tomorrow, i.e., the new things you want in your life.

When you allow yourself to drown in worry about what might - or might not - happen in the future, you find yourself wrapped up in stress. Your creativity and confidence are blocked. You get stuck and have no chance of forward momentum because you’re wrapped up in your worry thoughts. In doing so, you prevent yourself from doing the very things that would bring you the “more” you’re hoping for in your tomorrows.

Gratitude is spiritual. Gratitude is also logical. The only way you’re going to do what’s needed to fulfill tomorrow's dreams is to stay focused and productive today. You’ll only stay focused today if you keep your heart and mind in the present moment

Gratitude is one way to stay grounded in the moment.


Gratitude in Difficult Circumstances


Seasons of Life