A Few Rough Days

I had a rough couple of days. But, let me clarify.

As I read a morning meditation, my eyes feel upon the word, “suffering.” I almost stopped reading as I thought, “Oh, I’m not suffering.” For me, the word suffering gets saved for something way more major than what I was experiencing.

And yet, I had found myself in a state of disappointment and mental fatigue. And yes, I confess, some edginess. All of which primed me for worry thoughts and those came along for the ride, too.

Possibly “struggling” would be a better word.

My initial reaction was to want to run from it all. Hide. Pretend it wasn’t happening. “If I just think positive enough then….”

But I didn’t run. Although I only know this in retrospect.

I talked with a friend who offered some wonderful encouragement and suggestions. Then I talked with a second friend who shared different, but equally beneficial encouragement. In these conversations I found caring support side-by-side with valuable brainstorming for moving forward.

The next morning, as the word “suffering” appeared before me, I didn’t stop reading. I kept going. And as I did, I was encouraged through statements such as:

“Pain and problems are opportunities to demonstrate your trust in Me.”

“Bearing your circumstances bravely – even thanking Me for them – is one of the highest forms of praise.”

And, ultimately, “Do not try to run from pain or hide from problems.”

My heart settled. There is a purpose to my struggles. And when I opened my heart to the lessons they offer, I found renewed strength, fresh ideas, and the momentum I needed to keep moving forward.

The struggles and challenges of life aren’t there to stop us. They are, rather, there to teach us and nudge us ever forward.

But this can only happen when we choose not to hide.

It happens when we welcome, (yes, welcome) the struggles with open minds and a grateful heart.

And a couple of good friends to help us along the way.


What’s in a Moment of Time


Driving Blindfolded: A Different Lesson