Why are you here?

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Are fears and self-doubts stopping you from completing projects?

Are you missing out on time with family and friends, self-care time, or growing your business?

Or, is it writing your book, learning a new hobby, or going back to school?

Lisa coaches women every day who know in their heart there is more for them and are ready to:

Achieve clarity

Strengthen connections

Live with confidence!


 Do you ever think or say these things?

  • “I need to take better care of myself.”

  •  “It’s difficult for me to make decisions.”

  •  “I really want to ….. (what??); I don’t know why I’m not.”

  • “My fears (or feelings of self-doubt and guilt) keep me from ….”

  • “I have trouble putting myself first.”

  • “It’s hard for me to say ‘no’ and I’m overwhelmed.”

  • “I don’t know why I feel so angry and frustrated.”

  • “It’s hard for me to tell others what I want or need.”

  • “I avoid discussing important topics.”

  • “We talk about things, but nothing changes."

  • “I avoid conflict; I hold in what’s bothering me.”

  • “I avoid issues by joking or changing the subject.”

  • “I have so many “needy” people around me; it’s draining me.”

Are these things happening in your life?

  • You feel stuck and unable to move forward.

  • You read lots of personal development but are still unhappy with life, business, or relationships.

  • You aren’t doing the things you love (e.g., hobbies, outdoor activities, time with your friends)

  • You want to pursue something but don’t (e.g., write a book, open a business, go back to school)

  • You want to improve your relationship with an important person in your life.

  • You listen and care for others but lack someone who listens to you.

  • You often find yourself frustrated with the people in your life.

  • You talk to friends/family members about difficulties but not to the person directly involved.

  • You walk away from important relationships rather than talk through issues and disagreements.


 If you’ve answered “yes” to any of the above, then you’re not alone.

The truth is, we all face challenges that can get in the way of living our most satisfying life.  These challenges are worsened when we are unable to build deeply meaningful and connected relationships. If we don’t change these defeating patterns, we struggle with and sometimes even lose, our most important relationships.  

We live life knowing “there’s more” but aren’t able to find it.


Here’s the Good News

 You have the ability to change your life and your relationships

Lisa Purk’s coaching programs are specially designed to give you the skills, training, and resources you need to bring authenticity into your life and your relationships, so you live with more satisfaction and fulfillment.

In addition to many strategies individualized especially for you and your goals, Lisa’s coaching program includes two proven systems, Core Communication and the Everything DiSC Behavior Style profile. These two systems are designed to enhance your life by helping you:

Overcome your fears • Untangle your thoughts • Eliminate defeating inner chatter (i.e., Your “Itty Bitty Shitty Committee”)

Increase your self-confidence • Understand yourself and others better • Communicate more effectively

Make an Investment in YOU!

Coaching with Lisa is an investment in YOU. Lisa offers a variety of service options to meet your individual needs.  

Lisa understands that making a commitment before learning more might be intimidating. That’s why she’s offering a FREE consultation, so you can get a more in-depth look at how one of her programs will benefit you. Lisa’s calendar is filling up, however, so sign up today to ensure you do not miss out on this generous offer. 

If you’re feeling frustrated and stuck because the life and connections you desire seem out of reach, now is the time to change your direction. And it all starts with a phone call.

Contact Lisa today to schedule your FREE consultation and take the next step toward changing your life’s path!