We Had Plans. Life Had Different Ones.

Our vacation ended three days early.

We drove off of the island and headed north with disappointed hearts.  Our conversation turned to the things we got to do and what our favorite moments in those first days were.

Can I tell you that soothed our hurt? Honestly, no.  Not completely.

Yes, we were grateful for the time we had.  But we were sad at the same time.

After a while, we lost sight of the south and its sun.  It shines differently there.  We started to have a sense of being inland and north again.

And we began to look toward to the remaining vacation days still ahead of us.  What would we do?

Agreeing that Thursday we would be exhausted from the quick decision plus the 13-hour drive home, we decided it would be a day to rest and regroup.  Then we began to share, “What about Ohiopyle?”  “What about going there Friday morning for the long 3-day weekend?” The thoughts came pouring.  “We could get an Air BnB”; “We could stay at Seven Springs”; or “We could choose the Holiday Inn right off of the exit”, the options continued.

After a bit of research, it was a room at Seven Springs for the win.

We left early Friday morning.  We had time to explore a furniture store we had long wanted to check out.  We stopped at a fun, little country general store, a quaint coffee shop, and a highly recommended bakery.  (Ahem, cinnamon roll with maple icing. )

Do you know what we did most of all? 

Rested.  We sat on the balcony enjoying the view.  We napped and read books.  We took quiet walks.  We had time for deep, meaningful conversation.  We enjoyed the more temperate climate than the south was offering.

By Sunday, we had the energy for biking and enjoyed a warm, sunny day in our favorite little home away from home, Ohiopyle.

On our way home, we talked about how much we enjoyed the peace of the mountains and its soothing air. (More than the beach??  Now that’s difficult to say).  Those days gave us the kind of rest we needed even though we weren’t aware we needed it so much.

In the end, our unexpected, non-beach weekend was exactly what soothed us, mind and body.

When life doesn’t go exactly as you have it planned, recognize you can feel both gratitude and sadness around the situation.  But then, remember to stay open to the possibilities. 

Because sometimes you just have to let life be what it is.

And when you do, it will give you exactly what you need.

Even if you didn’t know you needed it.


I Lost the Pie Eating Contest


Well That Wasn’t the Plan