My Last Day Was Cloudy

It was my last morning of sunrise and coffee. It was warmer than it had been at the beginning of the week, and I was no longer dressed for Mt. Everest. I arrived early as I anticipated a final morning of watching the intense, brilliant colors of pre-sunrise - all the fuscia’s, oranges, and yellows that had painted layers on the horizon earlier in the week.

Except it was cloudy. There was a sliver of opening in the clouds teasing me about the colors I was hoping to see. But mostly cloudy.

Morning still spoke to me.

Regardless of how well we handle life, how positive we think, how much kindness we share, or the amount of philanthropy we do, there will still always be “cloudy days.” There are sure to be disappointments, sadness, difficult choices, and unexpected happenings. These cannot be avoided for any of us.

The best thing I have learned across my years of life – and I have learned no better way – is to manage these times with a perspective of gratitude.

Regardless of what is happening in life, there is always a reason to be thankful. Consider things you might otherwise take for granted like a warm home, reliable car, or food to eat. Think about other blessings like friendships and life lessons that changed the trajectory of your life. Reflect on happy memories.

Because even in the pain, even in the sadness, even in the disappointments, you can find your grounding – and your next steps – with a perspective of gratitude.

Be grounded by choosing where to focus.

Always find the sliver of opening in the clouds.


When Plans Hit a Roadblock


The Stars Were Still Out