Come Rain or Come Shine

Three days away from home in one of our favorite places, the mountains of Ohiopyle, PA. We had looked forward to it for weeks.

As leaving day approached, the weather forecast was for rain – and more rain. As we pulled out of our driveway, it was, yes, raining.

All packed up with bicycles and hiking gear, we drove as the drizzling, cold rain continued.

As we got closer to our destination, it was … still raining. And definitely still cold.

So, we found a restaurant we’ve been wanting to try. Plus, an open flea market with some covered areas. Oh, and a small, country gift shop and a local coffee shop. All things we wouldn’t have done – but thoroughly enjoyed – had we gone straight to our destination and started hiking.

And, best of all, the forecast of a total rainout didn’t happen. We took three long hikes and biked several miles as well. We discovered a wonderful new hiking path that’s a perfect combination of challenge plus great rocks perfect for sitting and watching the rapids. Our third day was sunshine and blue skies.

We wouldn’t have experienced any of this had we said, “Oh it’s going to rain all weekend, let’s just stay home.”

Is fear stopping you from moving forward because your results might no be as you planned?

Manage your fear by having the confidence to know you can SHIFT as needed.  Be open to seeking new opportunities that you might have missed had your original plans worked out.

Your decision is to let fear stop you or to move forward despite its presence and see what else you discover.

We had a wonderful weekend. It wasn’t all exactly as we planned. But it was relaxing, rejuvenating and perfectly wonderful.

In life, you can stay home, or you can show up.

Which are you choosing?


Seasons of Life


What’s in a Moment of Time