Building Momentum for the New Year

It’s that time of year when we are once again emerged in a flurry of holiday activities. It is also the time of year that we begin to think of all of the things we will do “in January,” “in the New Year,” or “after the holidays.”

Words like, “I will definitely….”; “I’ll do it no matter what….”; and “I just have to ….” are peppered throughout sentences.

Will you achieve the things in 2022 you’re promising yourself now?

Maybe yes. And, maybe no.

If you want your answer to be “Yes, I did it!!” at this time next year, then you must begin to establish new patterns…. Starting today.

By “waiting until January,” you further cement the very habits you want to change.

One positive first step in making a shift from resolution to accomplishment is to initiate your momentum now. Resist the temptation to wait until January to get started. The extra tasks and responsibilities of this holiday season may inhibit you from doing everything you need to do to achieve your goals. But it doesn’t mean you can’t do anything.

One key to changing your old, worn-out patterns is to start now.

Here’s one idea to help you get started:

Pick the 2022 result that is most important to you. Next, choose two small action steps you can take throughout the remainder of December in order to get your momentum going for January.

Here’s an example:

For your health and fitness, you could pick one or two of these:

  • Add a small salad and two extra glasses of water each day.

  • Drink one less cup of coffee or one less can of pop per day.

  • Determine your new workout schedule: When will you work out? How many times per week? What days? What time of day?

  • Begin stretching ten minutes per day.

Whether your goals are related to health and wellness, or you have another area of focus, choose your two small steps, and begin executing them today.

You’ll thank yourself in January.


Building Momentum for the New Year: Part 2


Recapturing the Joy of the Christmas Season